I Will Survive

Before I had kids, I’d heard all the stories. Everyone has them, and sometimes too many of them will share them with you. Lots of them. It can be scary in those early days, but everyone gets through it. We’re better for it. Stronger. Able to exist on less sleep afterwards.

But then they become teenagers. We think we are prepared. But we’re not. Friends and family that have been through the teen years with their own children share the stories. Some shared how they just hoped and prayed the teen years would simply hurry up and be over, others said they were biting their tongues and biding their time

I’m no different from the rest, though maybe I thought I was. I’ve been asked not to talk when friends are around the house or in the car with us. To not sing along with any music. To not take pictures of them. Or of their friends. And the list goes on… They’d rather be hanging out with a friend than with me. That, I get. They’d rather be on Facebook or alone in their room than with me. Sad but I get that too. It’s the rebellion I find hard.

Now, of course, teens have always rebelled and wanted to do their own thing. But for the most part, they did it behind their parents’ back. At least they had the decency to make up a story that they swore was true. “Of course, my friend’s parents will be home.” And parents, even if they felt uneasy, could choose to believe what they wanted to believe about their teenagers.

Today’s rebellious kids, however, are in your face. There’s no ignoring them. They feel entitled. They confront with both barrels.

Life is not smooth sailing with a teenager in your house. You can count the years and cross them off one by one. Enduring the years ahead of you takes patience and strength. Just remember, they, and you, will survive these rough years. I keep telling myself that anyway.

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